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These technical skills can boost your career

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These technical skills can boost your career

Technology has become increasingly important in the workplace. It has rapidly changed and adapted to assist us with our day-to-day business tasks.

In the past, a job seeker with proficiency in Microsoft products was considered a standout candidate. Today, a command of key technology skills distinguishes a candidate like never before. Therefore, to remain competitive, professionals will need to cultivate and refine these crucial tech skills.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is storing and accessing documents, files, and other data or programs on the internet instead of a computer hard drive. Today more businesses are choosing to store their data in the cloud. Understanding how to securely store and access data in the cloud increases an employee’s value. Common examples of cloud storage include OneDrive for Microsoft, Google Drive, and Apple’s iCloud.

Social Media

Social Media has become a marketing and public relations equalizer. As more businesses are becoming aware of the benefits of developing a social media platform, employees are also becoming online ambassadors of their company’s brand. Rather than listing “social media” as a generalized skill, itemize your knowledge and experience with each specific social media channel and the systems used to manage them, such as Buffer or Hootsuite.

Video Communications

Video communications are the new conference calls. Job interviews, client meetings, training, and webinars are all conducted via a video communication app such as Skype. Get comfortable using the various forms of virtual communication, including instant messaging and message boards. On your résumé, list all virtual communication programs or apps you have used, such as Skype, Messenger, GoToMeeting, and Google Hangouts.

The Ability to Work Remotely

Today’s technology allows us to work from anywhere. Not only are we able to access our work from our laptops, our phones, tablets, and watches are important workplace devices as well.

Some companies are hiring employees to work completely offsite. Hiring a remote worker is becoming more common as it reduces the need for office space, equipment and supplies, lowering a company’s overall expense. The remote worker also benefits from being able to work from home, eliminating the time and expense of the daily commute. Becoming familiar with the various apps and operating systems used to work remotely allows candidates to adapt to a variety of work arrangements.

Understand Big Data and Analytics

Soon nearly every industry will be affected by data and anayltics. It is critical to gain a basic understanding of what type of data is being collected, how it's collected, how it's analyzed, and how it's being applied in your field. Data is used to identify customer preferences, the effectiveness of business processes, and valuable marketing and policy-making opportunities. Candidates who understand data analytics add tremendous value by helping a company make informed decisions and managing risks.

Learn Visual Data Discovery with Phocas Software

Phocas Software offers visual data discovery. Visual data discovery tools enable users to present data analysis as a visual storyboard. Elements within the presentation are clickable and multiple visualizations can be linked together to create an impactful presentation.

Managers that use visual data discovery tools are more likely to be able to annotate and share a report. Employees are able to work more independently, without the dependence on IT support. Also, users have the ability to customize solutions to meet their needs. This allows them to provide management with the necessary information to make decisions based on available facts rather than by gut instinct alone. A candidate familiar with visual data discovery tools sits on the cutting edge of technology, ensuring they separate themselves from the pack.

Learn more about visual data discovery today