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Gap analysis helps automotive manufacturer increase revenue

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BM Catalysts

Before Phocas, BM Catalysts initially used its in-house IT resources to produce spreadsheets. “This was very time consuming and wasn’t satisfactory for our future needs,” says Mark Blinston, the Commercial Director at BM Catalysts. The company then tried Vecta which was an improvement but it wasn’t until Phocas was recommended through associates that things in the BI arena brightened up for BM Catalysts.

“Phocas is widespread in use throughout the automotive sector. So we looked at Phocas and it really wowed us! We went with it. Straight away we could see that Phocas was a lot quicker and the presentation and ease of use were so much better than what we were used to. Phocas was also a lot more comprehensive in terms of what we could do,” said Mark.

Phocas is a comprehensive, company-wide BI solution, so which of BM Catalysts’ departments are using it?

The company directors, product development, accounts, marketing and of course all of the sales team use Phocas every day.

“In product development, for instance, it’s vital for us to be able to identify new products by release date and then analyze and track their sales by business quarter. Phocas also gives us the ability to see how effective our new product development program is quickly and easily. Your numbers may look great but Phocas actually brings a whole other level of factual detail to the fore – we like that. The marketing team uses it to analyze new-to-range performance and assist the sales managers with data analysis and meeting preparation work when they are in the field. The directors are using it for many different reasons but primarily for overall sales analysis, margin analysis and growth opportunities,” Mark said.

“I can give you hundreds of examples where Phocas has made us money.”

“I can give you hundreds of examples where Phocas has made us money,” said Mark. “For instance: when our sales managers are working away from the office, analyzing gaps, what and where part numbers are selling slowly, how to save on expenses, and winning extra revenue for us. Phocas is there for us all the time. The Dashboards are particularly good at priming the sales guys before meetings, and the matrix function is fantastic too!”

Mark continued, “The people at Phocas are consistently good. There’s a high level of service, and they always act on the issues we raise, finding answers to problems straight away.”

“While other tools look good; they’re not as good as Phocas!”

“I’ve seen Phocas in action and had it recommended to me, including by customers. Now I recommend it to others – I tell them that it’s a very good bit of kit and that while other solutions look good, they’re not as good as Phocas!”

Mark concludes: “If Phocas were taken away, I’d miss everything about it. It’s the most important tool in my job...I’m on it all day!”

Discover what Phocas can do for your business by booking a live demonstration with a BI consultant, simply click here, or on the button below.

BM Catalysts
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